Monday, February 05, 2007

To the South Island!

In a final act of being a most excellent host Anne got up early to drive me and my luggage down to the Ferry that goes from Welling to Picton on the south Island. It was a minor adventure in that the intersection has a turn off for the ferry but it only activates if you trip the sensor which we were to far forward to activate.
It took 3 cycles of the light for us to get it together and once we finally got into the lot we found out we were supposed to go to the other ferry terminal down the highway, but we got there with plenty of time and something to laugh about. So those who know her should send big love to Anne for being so kind and putting me up and putting up with me.
The only way from the North Island where I've been so far to the more rugged and less populated South Island is by either air or sea so the two ferry companies that cross from Wellington to Picton are very popular. They can take cars, have a cafetaria, cafe, bar, movie theatre, and a children's play area as well as several viewing areas and lounges.
I slept for good chunk in the middle of the journey as it was not much but open water with no other view. I bumped into a couple of my fellow skydivers, Kris and James. Excellent brits who were just as happy to pass out for the journey as I was.
Picton is not much other than a port for the south Island. From the Ferry terminal you jump straight back on the Magic Bus and head south to Nelson never to see Picton Again.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your posts are wonderfull and i read each one Vicariously

Uncle Gerard

February 05, 2007 1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so here's the thing? I followed a long-shot lead and it turns out a friend of mine who lives in New Zeland has a wife who works with Anne. Knows her, in fact. And by the time I finally set up this, like, fourth-hand hello to you through Anne (strictly to blow your mind), now I find that you've already left.
Well, thanks loads for ruining my surprise by sticking to your itinerary.

Meanwhile, nice pics.

February 05, 2007 7:45 AM  

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