Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wellington prt 2

With two days to myself ahead of me I could take Wellington at an easy pace. The Monday was a civic holiday so they were on a lazy pace as well, but that still left a lot open. I walked into town and checked out Cuba Street, the happening downtown shopping district. Very Queen Street like. and rolled on all the way to the other side of the bay where the parliament buildings stand.

Wellington is the capital and The Beehive where parliament offices sit is an interesting looking building so I took the tour. Very similar to the Canadian parliament but they have eliminated one of the houses and so they have no Senate.

As I worked my way back I checked out the "World Famous" cable car which gets you a great view of the city from the edge of the local Botanic Gardens. I checked it out a little and took part in their "Human Sundial" before making my way back into the core via the waterfront walkway, which I followed right to the Civic Center where a spherical sculpture is suspended above the central square.

Anne and I connect for a late dinner at a chi-chi tapas style bar where we tried ostrich meat and got caught up before heading back at her place to chill with Ula and another friend of theirs. We talked about the movies coming up at Weta and frankly you could learn just as much on ain' because they keep the productions reasonably separate to prevent leaks.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I'd known you were meeting up with movie post-production types, I totally would've seen you off for your trip armed with a couple of my scripts. And I would've been all, "Here. Give these to Anne - whose name I would never make fun of, as I respect her utterly - and tell her the next time the director comes in to check on progress, hand one to him and say he left it behind the previous time. Then next month, do the same thing with the second script."
And I would've been golden.

February 02, 2007 7:42 AM  

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